
Deploy N8N on Scalingo

Feb 15, 2022 03:36 PM
  1. Create an application on Scalingo
scalingo create my-n8n
  1. Add a PostgreSQL for the internal usage of n8n
scalingo -a my-n8n addons-add postgresql postgresql-starter-512
  1. Configure n8n to perform store its internal data in PostgreSQL
scalingo -a my-n8n env-set 'DB_POSTGRESDB_DATABASE=xxx' scalingo -a my-n8n env-set 'DB_POSTGRESDB_HOST=xxx.postgresql.dbs.scalingo.com' scalingo -a my-n8n env-set 'DB_POSTGRESDB_PASSWORD=xxx' scalingo -a my-n8n env-set 'DB_POSTGRESDB_PORT=xxx' scalingo -a my-n8n env-set 'DB_POSTGRESDB_USER=xxx' scalingo -a my-n8n env-set 'DB_TYPE=postgresdb'
  1. Add some needed configuration for N8N
Tell N8N to listen on the port provided by Scalingo.
scalingo -a my-n8n env-set 'N8N_PORT=$PORT'
Define an encryption key used to encrypt credentials before storing them in the database.
scalingo -a my-n8n env-set 'N8N_ENCRYPTION_KEY=<A RANDOM STRING>'
  1. Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/Scalingo/n8n-scalingo
  1. Configure GIT
cd n8n-scalingo scalingo -a my-n8n git-setup
  1. Deploy the application
git push scalingo master